"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time to join the gym...

Well, I had my 3rd Weight Watchers weigh in last night and to my surprise I lost another 4lbs this week for a grand total of 11lbs in my first 3 weeks!  I was so excited...mostly since I haven't even begun to work out yet.  I will however, be joining the gym today just to ensure I continue to lose and keep toning this body I was left with after 3 children!  It is amazing the damage children can do to your body!  Don't get me wrong, I love my children and don't regret a minute however, I could have easily done without the extra weight, stretch marks (looks like a bear clawed me up both sides of my stomach), cavities (which I never had until my 1st was born), astigmatism in my left eye, loss of short term memory (or as I call it, Mommy brain), and the kicker, lack of sleep!  It amazes me that I can still carry on throughout the day in my hazy state of mind, on my 3-4 hours of broken sleep, or maybe I don't carry on...I can't remember! LOL 
I received a few more "You know you're a mom when..." chronicles, keep'em coming.
1. "You know you're a mom when at the end of a long day, spider man shampoo will do just fine for a quick shower before bed." 
2.  "You know you're a mom when your idea of a night out on the town is an hour trip to the grocery store while your husband watches the kids."
3.  "You know you're a mom when you don't even bother to close the bathroom door anymore because you are never alone."
4.  "You know you're a mom when you pull over on the side of the road, not because of the police, but because of the little angels in the backseat."
5.  "You know you're a mom when every time you get in the car, someone needs to go to the bathroom."
These are so cute...please if you think of any, click the comments button at the bottom of my blog and send them to me.  I must sign off for now, my little diaper diva is awake!  As always, thanks for listening....

Monday, January 31, 2011

You know you're a mom when...

This is a good one that I received from one of my followers, "You know you're a mom when a night on the town means Chuck E. Cheese with a side trip to Walmart for milk."  That made me chuckle. Keep sending me those and I'll keep posting them each week.  If you're new to my blog, we are coming up with "You know you're a mom when....." quotes.  I have another for you.  "You know you're a mom when your idea of a good night sleep is 4-5 hours of unbroken sleep!"  I am so tired lately due to my little diaper diva's sleep (or lack there of) pattern.  She finally got her first tooth to pop through but now has a few more coming and is getting used to sleeping with me or staying awake with me all night.  We need to break the pattern soon or I may not only lose sleep but my mind as well!  Then Curious George got another ear infection and Einstein has his 6yr molars coming in so my house is upside down right now.  So I apologize for not blogging much, I always have so much to say but the days just get away from me sometimes!  I am sure you can all relate.  I had a good birthday, went out for drinks with some friends and spent Sunday watching the Packers win with some good friends and good food.  I was however, a bit concerned for my Weight Watchers weigh in due to the good food and drinks but to my surprise I still lost 2lbs!!  Yippy...not as good as the first week loss of 5lbs but I will definitely take it!  Now I have my 3rd weigh in tonight and I am hoping for a loss somewhere between the 2-5lbs mark!  Wish me luck... I will let you know how it goes!  I must say for anyone wanting to lose some weight, this has really not been that bad!  I still get to eat my "treats" just now it weight watchers ice cream, bars, or popcorn and really I can eat anything its just the portions (I was overdoing it before!!).  I haven't even been working out yet, which I plan on doing soon.  I will be joining the gym so I can jog on the treadmill and stair climber since I am NOT a winter/snow person and refuse to walk outside and freeze.  I know I should be used to Midwest winters since I have lived here my whole life but come on...who really gets used to -20!!  Maybe a snowman or Santa... definitely not me! Well I must be signing off.  Thanks again for listening and keep sending me the "you know you're a mom when" quotes.  I'll post a few more next time.