"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Little Treasures...

By all means my children are my little treasures, however, this post is not about my little treasures, well to a point.  Our front entryway closet is a bi fold and has seen the wrath of my boys.  There is a hole where the handle used to be and today I noticed a toy tweezers (from their animal hospital kit) sticking out of the hole.  I twisted and tugged and finally got it free only to notice several colors further down inside the bi fold door which of course, I could not reach.  So after disassembling the door from its runner, shaking it, and prying in the 1 1/2 inch hole, we had found several little treasures and some gum.  I knew without a doubt, this was the work of Curious George.  I decided to ask him if he was indeed the one who placed all of the trouble game pieces plus a few extra trinkets in the door and  his answer was simple, "Yes".  I asked, "Why?"  and got the answer I hear all the time, whether the boys are fighting, hurt, or into something they shouldn't be...."I don't know".  Then later, he told me he was "saving them for later".  I chuckled, I guess he is not only like a monkey but also a squirrel (in the wintertime).
Back to my fascination with the Christmas season, I was wondering what traditions, if any, you and your family have.  Are they passed down from generations before or have you started you own?  I am always curious what traditions others have.  In my family, we always celebrate Christmas with my brothers, step mom and dad, mom, grandfather, aunt, and all my nieces and nephews the week before Christmas.  My husband, kids, and I always go cut down our tree (we plant one in its place in the spring) and decorate it the weekend after Thanksgiving.  We also always have a huge Italian spread for our Christmas with my family.  These are things that I grew up doing and continue, however, I created a new tradition with my kids.  They get to open one present on Christmas eve each year.  They know what it is before they even open it because each year I get Tony, myself, and the kids a new pair of pj's.  Then we all wear them to bed that night.  It works out great for pictures on Christmas morning (as long as we don't have any accidents!) and it's always fun to have a fresh new pair of jammies!  So shoot me a comment and let me know your traditions, even if they are a little off the wall....I would love to hear them and may even post a few of my favorites in a later post.  Thanks for listening!

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