"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Good Friends... Good Times...

We had a wonderful, wet, winter weekend.  Wow, enough W's for you....reminds me of my son's kindergarten class.  Each week they go over a new letter, this week is Mr. P so they are having a Party and eating Pancakes in their Pajamas while watching the Polar Express.  (Makes me chuckle....)  Anyway...Saturday night we had some friends over for dinner and entertaining conversation.  There were 2 couples and their children, which ends up being 6 adults and 10 children (8 girls and 2 boys)!  Talk about being outnumbered...I mean us parents, the boys loved it.  The kids had so much fun "Moonlight Sledding" in the back yard, that was the exciting name we adults came up with so we could have some adult conversations without interruption!  They did great and no one came in fighting or injured so the night went off without a hitch and my husband cooked Lasagna for dinner!  All I had to do was the Olive Garden Salad and Garlic bread, Pecan pie and of course, set out a tray of my Christmas Cookies.  We had great conversation with good friends, good food, and very well behaved kids!  What more could anyone ask for?!  Did I already mention how much I love this time of year?!  The icing on the cake...well besides my kids sleeping in Sunday morning....The Vikings winning!! 
I cannot believe my 1st born (my baby) is going to be 6 years old on Saturday! Where oh where does the time go?  If I could give one piece of advice to a new mother, it would have to be this.  "Cherish your babies, hold them tight, stare at them as often as you can, and enjoy the heck out of those quiet moments rocking them to sleep in their rooms.  Don't try to rush it because you have a load of laundry to get done or dishes to do. There will always be another load of laundry or dishes to do but those precious little moments that you will never get back, will quickly become only a memory."  Time goes so fast, it waits for no one. 
Now pray for me...Einstein is having friends stay overnight for his birthday!  First time ever, and I am sure I will have some entertaining stories for you on Sunday!  Surprisingly... nothing too terribly exciting to write about Curious George...yet.  Apparently he has been taking it easy on me the last few days or he is off his game or better yet, he is working on a doozy!  Thanks for listening and please leave a comment and let me know what you think.  Have a good one!

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