"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2+ Years!!!!! Ugh... shame on me!

Oh my goodness...where to begin!  I cannot believe its been 2 years since I posted.  Life just got away from me!!  My oldest is now in 3rd grade, my middle one is in kindergarten, and my baby is now 3!  We are busier than ever between cub scouts, dance class, baseball, school, and work, I just don't know where the time goes.  I need to update my blog!  I am also very happy to tell you that my "Dennis the menace, curious George" middle child has been doing just awesome in school.  PHEW...  I was a bit worried if you couldn't tell by his nickname or all my previous posts, he has definitely been my most challenging child!  And my youngest nicknames diaper diva is now OUT of diapers!! Yippy!  After 8 straight years of diapers, I am finally diaper free!  I guess I need a new nickname...sassy diva sounds fitting! lol  I mean she does act like she is 3 going on 13 already!  Well I think I will work on my updating for a bit.  Signing off for now.  If you are reading this for the first time please feel free to browse my previous blogs...they are entertaining.  All about a day in the life of a mom!

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