"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

SPRING AT LAST!!!  Has it really been almost 2 months?!!  Wow...I have been so busy and summer isn't even here yet!  I have so many updates for you I am not even sure where to begin....I have been doing Weight Watchers for 3mo now and have lost a total of 26lbs!!  I cannot tell you how great I feel!  I am actually looking forward to swimsuit season and looking for that perfect suit!  I haven't been able to say that for years!  I also go to the gym about 4 times a week but I would tell anyone looking to lose a few pounds to join....you have nothing to lose but pounds!!!  lol  My little "Who" (my youngests new nickname) is getting so big.  Hard to believe she is almost 9 months old already!  I gave her the new nickname because her hair is like 5 inches long on the top of her head and the only way I can keep it out of her eyes is to put it in a ponytail on top of her head!  Then she looks like lindy lou who from the grinch stole christmas!  I refuse to give her a hair cut til she is atleast one, she has cute baby curls and she is my only girl so her hair will be long!!  (for as long as I have say in the matter).  Today I have a sick little boy (curious george), he must have picked up something when we went to the Children's Museum the other day!  Poor boy!!  He said he was tired at like 10:30am (which from his nickname I am sure you can tell that is NOT normal!) and I said well just go lay on the couch if you're tired...well 10min later he was out cold!  So I moved him to his room and he is still asleep now at 1:15pm! I am so excited....we are looking into starting a coed softball team for the summer!  I haven't played ball in like 10 years and up til recently wouldn't even have thought about joining a team but always wanted to!  Hopefully we can put a team together and get enough people to play!  And my oldest, Einstein, joined his first soccer and Tball team so we're going to be extra busy for the next 2 months!!  He is so excited and I don't think there is anything better than being on a team (whether bball or football or soccer) to help teach our children the 3 D's (as I call them) Dedication, Determination, and Discipline.  But also teamwork, and FUN!  I have so much else to say but as always busy....busy...busy so I promise to update sooner than later!  As always, feel free to leave me any comments or suggestions you have, I would love to hear from you.

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