"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's a Joyous Occasion!!!

My little diaper diva has slept from 6:30pm to 5am for the last 3 nights!!!  I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to actually have real sleep as opposed to this broken sleep thing we have been doing for the past 6 months!  I feel like I could climb a mountain, it is amazing how great you feel when you aren't sleep deprived!  Now if I could only cure the short term memory loss (ie..mommy brain), I would be back on track!
Not so great though with the weight watchers weigh in last Monday.  I worked out 4 days and then had a Superbowl party and gained 2lbs at the scale.  However, I did get some good info that makes sense to me now.  They said when you work out your muscles expand and retain water so since I had worked out that morning I was heavier at my weigh in partly due to water weight (and partly due to the packer Superbowl party, I'm sure!!)  Anyway, that made me feel a bit better and is why when I weigh myself after the gym I weigh more than before!  However, this week I am working out every day except Sunday and Monday just to make sure I am my lightest!!  I really try not to just concentrate on the number at the scale but come on....it is so hard!  I just want to see the pounds come off much faster than they do!  It does help to also take measurements though, I have lost 6 inches over all of my body since starting!  I would recommend Weight Watchers to any mom out there who wants to lose a few pounds!  It really does work (just maybe not as fast as we all want) but it is a healthy way of losing weight and hopefully changing my lifestyle so I can keep it off!  I don't really consider myself a food-aholic, I just tended to grab less-than-healthy snacks on the fly, didn't eat breakfast, and by dinner I was so starving, I would scarf my food down!  So this is giving me a lesson in better eating and how to properly fuel my body.
Keep sending in those "You know you're a mom when...." quotes.  I have another for you...  "You know you're a mom when you turn doing laundry into a game by having a "scavenger hunt" through the house....and it is a never ending game!"  Take care and as always thanks for listening. 

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