"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Einstein's Sweetheart

About a month ago Einstein (almost 6 and in Kindergarten) came home and said, "This girl on the bus punches me and pulls me out of my seat on the bus." I said (with steam already starting to pour from my ears), "What is this girls name, why is she doing that, and did you tell her to stop, or tell the bus driver?!" He says," Her name is Becky, and it's ok, it doesn't hurt me." At this point I am already searching for the school's phone number when he says, "And she always wants me to chase her out at recess." Whewwww...now I get it!  Deep breath.... "You know why she does that?"  He says, "Yeah, cause she thinks I'm cute!"  I chuckled and said yeah. The next morning Tony is taking him to the bus stop and Einstein says to him, "Becky is my girlfriend." Of course, Tony calls me on the way to work to tell me so when I pick him up I had to ask, "So I hear Becky is your girlfriend, huh?  He says, "Yeah."  I ask, "Well does she know this?"  He says, "No, I haven't told her yet."  I had forgotten how innocent it was to be a little person until that moment.  How sweet is that...  Now today he comes home and says,"Today I got to sit with Becky on the bus. She usually never lets me sit with her because she always sits with 2 other girls."  I asked, "Well, how come she let you sit with her today?"  He sheepishly answers, "Cause I snuck in when she wasn't looking." I chuckled and thought to myself yeah I've heard that one before!  He is definately becoming a little MAN!  These are the moments I cherish as a mom!

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