"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Just when you think you have it all figured out...

My three year old, Curious George, as you can tell by his nickname is into EVERYTHING!  Since he could crawl he has been reeking havoc on anything he can get his hands on and climbing to get whatever he couldn't.  Now my 1st child, Einstein, complete opposite.  I could put him on the floor in front of toys and he would play for hours.  No such luck with Curious George!  My particular problem is the bathroom or as Curious George would probably call it, the experiment room.  He has been potty trained (during the day) since he was 2 and at night, 2 and 1/2, so he has been going in there for over a year and just when I think he couldn't possibly get into anything in there, he proves me wrong again.  He has dumped all the Mr. Bubbles into the tub at once and turned on the water when I caught him.  He has plugged up the sink and turned on the water only to dump a whole bottle of hand soap into it.  I was too late showing up for that one and my bathroom looked like an episode of sponge bob.  I do have to say, I had a VERY clean bathroom (for 5 minutes) after cleaning that one up.  He has scavenged through all the drawers and put Vaseline all over himself..quite literally, toothpaste all over the floor (yesterday) and the walls, had a party with my tampons and the Que tips, put the toilet cleaning brush in the toilet....after pooping (yeah that was a yucky one), put an entire brand new box of Kleenex into the toilet and tried flushing it (yet another yucky one), and probably a few other things I have forgotten.  My poor, bare bathroom has nothing in the drawers and the soap, Kleenex, and toothpaste are on a shelf I installed out of his reach and today he decided to put a whole new roll of toilet paper in the toilet after pooping!  The one thing I didn't put on a shelf or move out of the bathroom simply because I can't or no one would ever come over.  Let me tell you how disgusting it was to get gloves (that mind you do not go high enough up your arm) and actually take the toilet paper out of the toilet.  I am sure some of you have had this happen and for those who haven't...be warned!  I died a little inside today...

And don't even get me started with my little diaper diva... I have been in and out of her room 15 times just since I sat down to type this because she keeps losing her nuk and refuses to take her nap.  I just got her up and brought her in to sit with me.  Looking at her, I said, "Do you think you're funny making mama run in and out all day?" She stopped crying immediately and laughed at me.  Guess we know who wears the pants around here.  Post a comment and let me know what you think ~ and thanks for listening.

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