"A day in the life of a mom is a series of fractional moments that while small, when put together in the spectrum of a day, add up like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that can be overwhelming, exhausting, gratifying, and exhilarating all at the same time." ~my thought as I am nursing and wondering where the day went.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight Watchers...here I come!

I have begun my Weight Watchers journey!  I really need to get this extra baby weight off and I am hoping this will be the ticket, along with rejoining the gym.  It is a bit overwhelming at first but I am not one to quit a challenge so bring it on!  I seem to get in this slump after every child...you know where you don't even get out of your sweats all day unless you have to go somewhere and then when you do finally put your jeans on you just want to crawl into bed and cry!  I put mine on the other day and had to lie on the bed to zip them up...that was my breaking point!  My little one is almost 6 months old and I was lighter right after I had her than I am now and I breastfed (which according to what I have read SHOULD help you lose weight).  Anyway, it has been long overdue.  I will feel so much better when I lose 20-30lbs.  I will keep you posted on my progress and let you know if its working in case any of you are looking to lose some weight as well.  And by all means if you have done it and it worked...PLEASE send me a comment and let me know about your experience!  I can always use more motivation. 
On another note... My little diaper diva is almost crawling!  I am not sure if I should be happy or terrified!  If she is anything like Curious George, then terrified it shall be!  Which reminds me of another story.  Whenever he tells me his tummy hurts, I tell him to try to go potty.  So the other day I asked him, "How many corn dogs do you want for dinner, 1 or 2?"  Curious George answered,"10!"  I said, "you'll get a big tummy ache if you eat that much!"  His reply, "That's ok, I'll just try to go potty!"  Awe...kids!  LOL  He never ceases to amaze me!  The other day he told his sister she looked Magnificent!  I was shocked first that he knew that word, second, was able to use it in a sentence, and third, that he pronounced it correctly.  They grow up so fast.
Tony and I went to the Annual Fire Dept. Appreciation Party on Saturday.  What a fun time (until Sun morning)!!  I don't know how or why but I managed to drink more than my share of Seagram 7 whiskey (only 1/4 left in the bottle over 8 hours of drinking) and surprisingly was only hung over until 1pm Sunday afternoon!  A good time was had by all, although we were sad to hear the chief will be retiring.  He has been on the dept for 35 years, done a wonderful job as chief, and we are happy to see he will have some time for himself and his wife once he retires.  Well I am signing off for now.  As always, thanks for listening and please drop me a line and tell me what you think, comments, questions, anything, always welcome!

1 comment:

MJ said...

Thanks for invite to come check your blog out, I love, love , love this post. I gave birth to my 5th child last March and Im not happy with myself. It was so easy to get back into my jeans then. I look forward to visiting again. Come visit me too http://mylucky7design.blogspot.com/